Support Neskowin Valley School
Neskowin Valley School relies on the generosity of families, alumni, grandparents, and friends to support individualized education and to foster a close, caring community experience for families on the Oregon Coast.
Our Fall Giving Campaign is in full swing from October 14 - November 22, 2024. Your gift during this timeframe helps ensure we raise the funds we need for a successful year of challenging, meaningful programs for our students and fully supported teachers.
Explore the giving options below and contact Kelsey Leatherman, to discuss your meaningful gift today. Thank you for your interest in donating to Neskowin Valley School.
Neskowin Valley School Fund
NVS’s tuition model is based on the philosophy that every child deserves the right to a joyful, meaningful, and affordable education. Throughout its 50+ year history, tuition at NVS has remained affordable and covers only 50% of what it takes to educate one student.
Financial Aid Program
Financial aid donors are pivotal for NVS to provide joyful learning and community experiences to all students and families regardless of financial position. In 2023-2024, NVS awarded $41,500 in scholarships for 43% of Preschool-Grade 8 students.
How will the school spend my donation?
This year, the Fall Giving Campaign will support about 20% of our operations budget across the board. That includes academic and extracurricular programs, teacher salaries and increases, professional development, tuition assistance for families in need, improvements to our campus, planning for our future, and lots more. Our school simply could not achieve what we do - not even close - without gifts to the Neskowin Valley School Fund.
Why don't you just raise tuition instead of asking for gifts?
It is core to Neskowin Valley School's values to be accessible to as many families as possible. We all want a diverse student body, and we also want a society that offers a pathway to excellent education for everyone. As such, our Board of Trustees tries to keep tuition as low and affordable as possible. To achieve this, we rely on gifts. Unlike tuition, these gifts are 100% tax-deductible, which is advantageous to many donors. By funding the school in this varied way, we create the community we're all looking for. This is a standard funding model for independent schools all across the nation.
When is the best time to make a gift?
Although there is no "wrong" time to make a gift, there will be two explicit opportunities during the school year when you'll be asked to consider a gift. The first is during our Fall Giving Campaign (October - December). This is when the majority of donors give and a time that is most helpful for the school's planning. The second ask will be through your participation in our Spring Fundraising Celebration. Gifts must be received by June 30, 2025, to count for this fiscal year.
What is a "good" gift?
The amount of any gift is dependent on personal circumstances. While we do seek 100% participation from every current family at the School, there is no "right" or "wrong" amount. We only ask that you consider making a gift every year that is appropriate and meaningful for your family. Our staff and volunteers may ask you for a specific gift amount or range. These asks are based on rough estimates and ambitious hopes of what we believe might be appropriate for your family. We know we won't always get those ask amounts right. We welcome your feedback, and hope you will give the amount that feels great for your family this year.
What are all the ways I can make a gift?
You can give online through the Neskowin Valley School website. You can mail in a check, or call in a credit card number. You can make a gift of stocks and securities, or give through your donor-advised fund or family foundation. You can wire transfer funds. You can leave a bequest in your will. And there are even MORE ways to give! To discuss creative, tax-wise ways to give, or to pledge a multi-year gif, contact Kelsey Leatherman, Director of Advancement, at kelsey@neskowinvalleyschool.com or (503) 392-3124.
We can't give much this year. Is it even worth giving?
Oh, yes!! Even if you can only give $5, please make an Neskowin Valley School Fund gift each and every year! Your participation alone speaks volumes. The higher our participation numbers, the more attractive we become to funding partners in the community, like foundations and corporate sponsors who like to help organizations that are supported by their own communities. Your gift amount is private, but your act of giving is loud and clear.
The Fall Giving Campaign is a fundraising effort that the school conducts each year with the help of volunteers, soliciting gifts for the Neskowin Valley School Fund. The Neskowin Valley School Fund is a flexible, unrestricted, and crucial fund that supports every student and teacher. Everyone in the school community is asked to participate: parents, trustees, grandparents, staff, faculty, alumni and friends. Gifts to the Neskowin Valley School Fund allow the school to recruit and retain talented faculty members, provide tuition assistance, and support an array of exceptional academic, arts, and outdoor programming. Neskowin Valley School Fund dollars help balance the school's operating budget each year. These dollars go to work immediately, providing the flexibility to allocate resources to the urgent needs and priorities of the school.
A gift of appreciated stock provides valuable tax savings.
Gifts of appreciated stocks have been considered the ‘best value’ in charitable giving. When you contribute appreciated stock that you have held for longer than one year, in addition to a charitable contribution tax deduction, you are generally able to avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in value of the assets.
We liquidate gifts of stock as quickly as possible to preserve value. The proceeds, minus any broker fees/commissions, are allocated according to the donor’s direction. We have donors who have saved thousands of dollars by making a gift of stock instead of giving cash.
We recommend that you consult your tax adviser for more information regarding the gift tax and income tax results of such gifts as they apply to your specific situation. The school does not provide donors with individual tax advice.
To discuss or make a gift of securities, reach out to Kelsey Leatherman, Director of Advancement, for transfer instructions for you or your broker. Email kelsey@neskowinvalleyschool.com or call (503) 392-3124
Are you age 70 ½ or older?
If so, you can transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to Neskowin Valley School without paying any taxes on the withdrawal.
Your gift must transfer directly from your plan administrator to Neskowin Valley School. You will not pay taxes on the transfer, so there is no additional income tax deduction.
As always, we recommend that you consult your tax adviser and/or IRA administrator to address to assure you’re giving in the most tax-wise way as possible.
Ways to Make a Gift
Outright Gifts
Donations to Neskowin Valley School may be made via cash, check, or online.
Checks should be made payable to Neskowin Valley School and mailed to 10005 Neskowin Valley School, Neskowin Oregon, 97149
We also welcome gifts from IRA Charitable Rollovers and Donor Advised Funds.
Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Securities
For more information on gifts of stock and securities, please contact Kelsey Leatherman at 503.392.3124, or by email.
Gifts in Kind
Neskowin Valley School gladly accepts donations of items that are in good condition and relevant to the educational program of the school. The school is prohibited by law to appraise the value of these gifts. For more information, please contact us at 503.392.3124, or by email.
Tax ID
Our Federal Tax ID Number is 23-7207991
Planned giving is a grouping of charitable giving options that enables families to give to the school while also creating possible financial benefits for your family. Planned giving includes:
Bequests of cash, securities, other assets, your estate, or a percentage of your estate
Retirement assets including IRA, 401(k), or profit-sharing pension plan
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Lead Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Life Insurance
IRA Charitable Rollover
Please consult your own attorney or financial planner to ensure that your gift suits your circumstances. The Oregon Community Foundation is a trusted, local resource available to families in Oregon who would like to learn more about Planned Giving.
For more information, please contact us at 503.392.3124 or by email.
Neskowin Loyal: Donors who have made a gift in each of the last 2+ consecutive years (any amount).
The Hundred Percenters: Current student grade levels that achieve 100% giving from their families (any amount).
Visionary Circle: Donors who give $10,000 or more in a single year.
NVS Society: Donors who have confirmed a planned gift in their estate plan (e.g. a bequest).
Founders Circle: Donors whose cumulative lifetime gifts equal $250,000 or greater.