Financial Aid Program
The NVS Finance Committee recognizes that many families require tuition assistance and values the effort to authentically represent the population on the Oregon Coast within the NVS community. In 2023-2024, NVS awarded $41,500 in scholarships for 43% of Preschool-Grade 8 students.
Financial Aid Donors are pivotal for NVS to provide joyful learning and community experiences to all students and families regardless of financial position.
NVS calculates financial need beginning with recommendations made by Benefaq. Financial Aid awards are based on the family’s financial position, the estimated family contribution, and an optional personal narrative.
Ways to Give:
Online: neskowinvalleyschool.com/giving
By Mail: Neskowin Valley School, Neksowin Valley School, 10005 Slab Creek Rd, Neskowin Oregon, 97149
Through a gift of stock or wire transfer
Through a foundation, DAF (Donor Advised Fund), workplace payroll deduction, or corporate matching gift
Through a Planned Gift:
Adding Neskowin Valley School to your estate plan (e.g. a bequest in your will).
Adding the school as a beneficiary to your 401K or retirement account.
Questions? Contact Kelsey Leatherman, Executive Director at (503) 392-3124 or kelsey@neskowinvalleyschool.com
NVS is a 501c3 non-profit. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID # 23-7207991.